Monday, March 7, 2011

Action Now: A Program for Change and National Greatness

Manifesto of the November 29 Movement


Gen. Danilo Lim in an inspiring statement issued on the occasion of the November 29 protest march from the Makati RTC and stand off at the Manila Peninsula declared: “Dissent without action is consent.” Today, the ravages of decades of Philippine economic-socio-political decay from liberalization, deregulation and privatization policies and seven years of national constitutional and moral catastrophe brought about the most corrupt regime in Philippine history under Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – has brought us to the eve of final destruction of the good Filipino way of life as we had known in the past.

The most recent Asian Development Bank survey, on top of a long list of past studies of countless international and local agencies, show the depths of crisis and collapse the country is in: the Philippines, with a per capita real GDP of HK$16,675… lower than Indonesia, HK$18,396 and Sri Lanka (HK$19,798)… ranked according to household living standards — the Philippines was at HK$14,049; Sri Lanka at HK$17,464 while Indonesia has HK$14,970… In gross fixed-capital formation (GFCF) - investment in residential and other buildings; roads, bridges, railways, electricity networks and the like; …Indonesia’s GFCF is at HK$3,161 while Sri Lanka’s is at HK$3,342 while the Philippines is at HK$872…”

It’s a collapse in public investment and real income of the nation while corruption reaches unprecedented heights as surveys upon surveys reveal, the latest being the Pulse poll showing 42% of the people voting Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as the most corrupt Philippine president ever with Marcos a far second; but this is only the tip of the iceberg as the infrastructure of the cabal or corruption reaches the highest echelons of society behind the Gloria Arroyo regime – the oligarchy behind the greatest swindles in the privatization of crown jewel and national patrimony of the country, including the $3-B Transco privatization of the globalist conspiracy of Carlyle-China State Grid and the local oligarch-cronies of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

National political and economic change and reformation is an imperative. The structural and leadership cancer have made the Philippines the “poor man of Asia” when it was one of the premier economies of the region in the 50s. These cancers have led to the organ failures - failures of all institutions of the country – critically diseased by the corruption that has spread from the executive to the electoral, judicial, legislative, military and police institution that Law and Justice is now no longer possible for the Filipino people. Protests that abound in our streets, from peasant marching from Mindanao to wrongly accused soldiers marching in the streets of the premier business district –which are met with brute blind force designed to “shock and awe” the nation into acquiescence; but the nation will not be silenced and the nation will act, because the Filipino nation does not and will not consent to this oppression.

The November 29 “family” sprung from the bond that formed amongst those wrongly subjected to police brutality, the threat of physical elimination, arrested and detained beyond the prescribed limits of the law – brought by the clamor and quest for national justice and hope to protest in the streets of the nation. There is a clamor for the “family” to become a movement now; as the whole nation has become one family in denouncing the corruption of the prevailing regime and demanding dissent and action - for change and vision to lead this nation to justice and greatness once again.

December 12, 2007; Club Filipino

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