Herman Tiu Laurel
Over the past decades, our merriment for Christmas has been fading like yuletide balls tarnished by years of reuse as the family budget has grown too thin for newer, more polished celebratory trinkets.
Proof of this is a recent think tank study stating that things have gotten significantly worse in the years after EDSA Dos, which was supposed to have ushered in better times, as “civil society” and Makati Business Club stalwarts hailed the ascent of the “economist” Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
The report, entitled, “Study traces poverty incidence to vested interests,” by the think tank named Stratbase cited World Bank data showing the increase in the number of poverty-stricken Filipinos by 3.4 million between 2008 and 2009.
Worse, in its comparison of growth rates in Asia, it found that “East Asian economies posted average annual GDP growth rates (of) 3.6 to 6.0 percent between 1960 and 2008, (whereas) the Philippines only managed an annual average increase of 1.4 percent during the same period.”
Africanization of PH
The report even cited this shocking Asian Development Bank finding “that for every one percent growth in gross domestic product, poverty incidence has gone down by an average of 1.5 percent across the world and two percent within Asia… (while) poverty incidence in the Philippines had actually risen since 2003, a time when the economy (was) thought to have grown very well.”
So, even with the modicum of growth the Philippines has supposedly been gaining, not only is its poverty incidence not been reduced (as compared to the rest of the world and Asia) but it is even growing.
And since the report shows us in such a bad light, it can only indicate that the Philippines is even doing worse than Africa.
I have always said that the Philippines is in the course toward “Africanization,” i.e. becoming as poor as the poorest in Africa.
But, it seems, we are overtaking that grim forecast even faster.
Money Powers
The “vested interests” Stratbase refers to it also calls “rent seekers” or those who “attempt to derive ‘economic rent’ by manipulating the social or political environment in which economic activities occur, rather than by adding value.”
Chief among them are the oligarchs who use their money powers to obtain concessions from government and/or take over state contracts and assets.
Also included are the politicians who use their positions to enrich themselves (such as through their pork barrel)--and, I would add, media prostitutes churning out information and opinion for a fee, lawyers to the highest bidder, ad nausea.
Only a handful of noteworthy exceptions can be seen.
A fine example of a sterling professional who isn’t part of this rent seeking class is lawyer and constitutionalist, Atty. Alan Paguia, who declined the offer to join the legal team of Gloria Arroyo despite the fact that he was among the first to criticize the Department of Justice’s hold departure order -- leaving the other lawyers to stumble all over each other in hopping on Gloria’s defense bandwagon.
Intellectual Hires
Still, there is a very deep irony in the Stratbase report.
While it indicts the “vested interests” or “rent seekers” (a.k.a. oligarchs), its officers and academic resources themselves trace their roots from the oligarchs or their intellectual hires.
Its chairman Jose C. Ibazeta, for example, was Anscor president, as well as a Razon-owned ICTSI director and treasurer, and chairman of PSALM, which privatizes our country’s power assets to the oligarchs.
Meanwhile, Antonio “Tony Boy” Cojuangco is a member of the board, along with Amboy Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario.
Among its academic advisers are Calixto Chikiamco of the pro-privatization Foundation for Economic Freedom (or FiEFdom, I say), Ayala adviser Randy David, and pro-USAid RH bill Atty. Raul Pangalangan.
Lobbying Or Rent Seeking?
In its prospectus, Stratbase says, “Our knowledge of the government and the ability to establish strategic communications network with policy and decision makers ensures that our client’s voices are heard.”
Now, isn’t that lobbying or rent seeking, too?
The oligarchs and their minions running the shows all over the place in our political-economic and cultural establishment can be likened to the “Grinch,” Dr. Seuss’ bitter, cave dwelling character who resents the merriment of the warmhearted “Whos” (similar to our Juan de la Cruzes).
As they steal the people’s Christmas, they ensure that every year is a poorer one for all Filipinos, except the few super-rich and their coterie of gofers, who are getting richer every year by increasing their monopolization and maximization of the fruits of the nation’s economy, and by exploiting the costs of power, water, infrastructure (such as toll ways), telecoms, port services, taxes, and debt.
Hard at Work
All our columns for the past year, numbering over 60, at least, have hammered on these economic evils that we consumers, citizens, taxpayers, and heads of families are suffering in the hands of those who control our country through their various methods of hoodwinking, swindling, and plundering.
Let me cite some developments showing that, indeed, the “Grinches” are hard at work to spoil our Christmas even more: “’Marinated meat and fish products no longer VAT-exempt’… (This is despite) Section 4.109-1(B)(1)(a) of Revenue Regulations No. (RR) 16-2005 (stating) that meats, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural and marine products shall be considered in their original state even if they have undergone the simple processes of preparation or preservation for the market such as freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting, smoking, or stripping, including those using advanced technological means of packaging, such as shrink wrapping in plastics, vacuum packing, tetra-pack, and other similar methods.”
Another, “’Poverty numbers worsen’… A third-quarter survey found 52% of the respondents--equivalent to an estimated 10.4 million households--considering themselves ‘mahirap’ or poor, up from 49% (9.8 million) in June. On the issue of being poor in terms of food, 41% (8.2 million families) claimed to be so, up from 36% (7.2 million) three months earlier…”
Hoping to Win
For next year, the aggravation will accelerate.
The MWSS has announced higher water rates come the New Year while the Department of Agriculture has admitted it will import over 1.6 million tons (after it had boasted that the era of rice imports is over).
Meanwhile, a report from PhilExport announced “84 days of power interruptions expected by 2014” (according to a UP study), and this is all because the Grinches have privatized almost all cheap power generation assets of state-owned Napocor while never adding any new plants.
For sure, they will use this as a reason for higher power rates when new ones are set up.
Despite all these, we shall still have a Merry Christmas season because we are fighting – not only because we have hope but also since we know that we will win against these Grinches in the end.
(Tune in to Sulo ng Pilipino/Radyo OpinYon, Monday to Friday, 5 to 6 p.m. on 1098AM; Talk News TV with HTL, Saturday, 8:15 to 9 p.m., with replay at 11 p.m., on GNN, Destiny Cable Channel 8; visit for our articles plus TV and radio archives)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Aquinorroyo Conspiracy beneath the Drama
Linggoy Alcuaz
OpinYon Regular
In March 2000, I was invited by Bert Pedrosa to join the Silent Protest Movement. I had met Bert and his wife, Chit (the author of the Unauthorized Biography of First Lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos), at a Fourteenth Anniversary Commemoration of the February 22 – 25, 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution at the basement of the Club Filipino.
The SPM, later better known as the “Exclamation Point Movement!” was protesting against the alleged massive corruption of the Estrada Administration.
Actually, Erap had been falling in the popularity and/or satisfaction ratings in the Pulse Asia and SWS surveys for the third and fourth quarters of 1999 and the first quarter of 2000.
Our SPM/EPM! used to meet every Saturday morning in a restaurant on Jupiter Street, Bel Air, Makati.
We averaged about a dozen in number. We were composed of veterans like Linda “Inday” Olaguer Montayre and former FVR DBM Secretary Salvador “Badong” or “Jun” Enriquez, the Pedrosas and even 1950’s Cold Warrior Ramon Binamira, as well as new faces.
‘Sticker’ Success
Our pioneer project was the square, black and white sticker with a slanted (to the right) Exclamation Point.
It was an instant success from its soft launch a forum of Justice Cecilia Munoz-Palma and Sister Christine Tan at the Manila Polo Club on the last Monday night of March, 2000.
However, before the end of April, we had an internal falling out with Bert and Mon over the timing and the decision of calling for a Noise Barrage.
We parted ways and the Movement stalled just as Erap declared his “All-Out War” against the MILF.
Meanwhile, Jun and Inday organized and invited me to join the People’s Consultative Assembly (PCA).
The PCA, although overshadowed and overtaken by KOMPIL II and COPA, planned, initiated and executed the Ouster of Erap from October 2000 to January 20, 2001.
Let us move fast forward to the post May 10, 2010 Presidential Elections.
On Thursday, June 3, 2010, the Solidarity 4 Sovereignty surfaced at a People’s Assembly or Congress at the Kalayaan Hall of the Club Filipino.
Since then, I have been invited to two other activities including the People’s SONA in June or July this year where two Philippine Marine Officers (one active and one retired) spoke and rattled the Aquino Administration.
‘Zarzuela’ Statement
Following is the latest statement from the S4S covering the whole “HULLABALLOO” from the May 10, 2010 Presidential Elections until the present contest between the Executive and the Judiciary, P-Noy and the Supreme Court, Aquino and Arroyo:
(Topic breaks supplied. – Editor)
“We want Gloria Arroyo charged, indicted and punished for her many crimes against the Filipino people when she was president.
“But why has it taken the Noynoy Administration a year and a half for her to be formally charged with electoral fraud?
“Why have the DOJ and Ombudsman sat on the many cases of plunder, cheating and human rights violations against Gloria Arroyo?
“Why was the Executive Order on the Truth Commission so flawed it was easy for the Supreme Court to declare it unconstitutional?
“Why was it even headed by a chairman who was clearly beholden to Gloria?
Electoral Fraud Raps
“Many Filipinos are elated by the charge of electoral fraud against Gloria Arroyo for which a departure hold order by a court has been officially issued against her.
“But renowned constitutionalists/legal experts have stated that electoral fraud is a new offense after the Omnibus Election Code because of which the law has still many loopholes with the mechanics of the said law not still in place making her exoneration or dismissal of her case almost inevitable.
“Are we being taken for a ride by this administration and its “student council subalterns”?
“Is the “zarzuela” or mass deception underway to make it appear Gloria Arroyo is being prosecuted for her crimes just to pacify the Filipino people and to drum up popularity for Noynoy Aquino?
“Or is this part of the deal that Noynoy and Gloria entered into before the May 1O elections?
Conspiracy Evident
“The “Aquinorroyo Conspiracy” is becoming quite evident.
“At this stage Mike Arroyo and Mikey have escaped judgment for their many crimes against the Filipinos and no one in the Noynoy camp is complaining.
“The Filipino people will be left with an empty bag, thanks to Noynoy.
“Gloria Arroyo cheated FPJ in 2004 to continue her Presidency. She cheated again in 2007 to ensure that the check and balance of the Legislative will be bent in her favor as Executive. She had to cheat in 2010 through a Comelec that unconstitutionally turned over the elections to Smartmatic.
“Besides, the big eco-political elite did not want their interests threatened by a failure or postponement of elections thus they paved the way for Gloria to deal with her successor.
“Huge money changed hands for which we have been informed the late Gov. Nantes paid with his life and for which we have been calling for an investigation.
More Frightening, Sinister
“Who benefited from the cheating of Gloria Arroyo in 2010 through PCOS machines that read unauthenticated Xeroxed copies and not actual votes? Not the 2010 presidentiables who lost!
“Gloria had to cheat in 2010 to guarantee her protection as she ended her term as president, from prosecution and punishment and save her/her family’s life, but most important of all, to keep intact the trillions of people’s money she had stolen with her husband and sons.
“And the end game is even more frightening and sinister – a constituent assembly that will usher a parliamentary form of government and erase all the crimes of Gloria Arroyo and family in the old system of government.
“At the same time it will legitimize the unconstitutionality of the last elections from the presidency to the last mayor.
A Clever Cover-Up
“We see that this issue between the Supreme Court and the DOJ erupted when the results of a survey showed that more than half of our population or more than 1OM Filipino families said they were hungry.
“This seeming conflict of supposed Constitutional crisis proportions is a clever cover-up for the worsening poverty and hunger of our people which Noynoy Aquino has not cared to or has failed to address for the past 17 months.
“Noynoy has not even been able to control the runaway prices of food, fuel, other basic commodities, electricity and transportation, even toll fees, etc.
“Is there any economic relief under his watch especially with forecasts of further global economic collapse?
What should we do?
For Other Plunderers, too
“Threats of a global war confront us increasingly.
“Developed nations want to depopulate poor nations like ours so that they can use our mineral resources for themselves.
“Thus, we are ready to unite with groups based on principled goals to save ourselves and our nation.
“As we question Noynoy’s legitimacy, we can tolerate him if he will appropriately respond ASAP to the present hunger of the Filipino people by reducing prices of goods/commodities affordable to our poor.
“If he is unable to deliver, we shall seek other leaders/allies who will repudiate/suspend our national debt servicing 70% of our national budget, use the funds for education, health, housing and other social services and generate employment by empowering our manufacturing sector through the establishment of cheap electricity.
“We will consider as partners those who will genuinely charge, indict and punish Gloria Arroyo and family and make them return the colossal funds they plundered from our people.
“This should be done for other plunderers.
Keeping Sovereignty Intact
“We also call on our people to shelve with finality the foreign sponsored RH Bill with its clear mandate for abortion and population control.
“We ask our Muslim brothers and sisters to join us resolve the conflict in Mindanao with our sovereignty intact.
“And if we are to truly build our nation and make it strong, we must ensure that our military will no longer be just the glorified bodyguards of our politicians or wealthy elite but that they shall be trained and treated as the protector of our people and our State.
“Finally, we invite all Filipino patriots of all ideologies or political parties, of all sectors and regions, especially our youth, to build with us a nation that honors and protects our inalienable and sovereign rights.
“God Bless Us All! Mabuhay ang Bansang Pilipinas! Mabuhay ang Pilipino!!!”
Linggoy Alcuaz
OpinYon Regular
In March 2000, I was invited by Bert Pedrosa to join the Silent Protest Movement. I had met Bert and his wife, Chit (the author of the Unauthorized Biography of First Lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos), at a Fourteenth Anniversary Commemoration of the February 22 – 25, 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution at the basement of the Club Filipino.
The SPM, later better known as the “Exclamation Point Movement!” was protesting against the alleged massive corruption of the Estrada Administration.
Actually, Erap had been falling in the popularity and/or satisfaction ratings in the Pulse Asia and SWS surveys for the third and fourth quarters of 1999 and the first quarter of 2000.
Our SPM/EPM! used to meet every Saturday morning in a restaurant on Jupiter Street, Bel Air, Makati.
We averaged about a dozen in number. We were composed of veterans like Linda “Inday” Olaguer Montayre and former FVR DBM Secretary Salvador “Badong” or “Jun” Enriquez, the Pedrosas and even 1950’s Cold Warrior Ramon Binamira, as well as new faces.
‘Sticker’ Success
Our pioneer project was the square, black and white sticker with a slanted (to the right) Exclamation Point.
It was an instant success from its soft launch a forum of Justice Cecilia Munoz-Palma and Sister Christine Tan at the Manila Polo Club on the last Monday night of March, 2000.
However, before the end of April, we had an internal falling out with Bert and Mon over the timing and the decision of calling for a Noise Barrage.
We parted ways and the Movement stalled just as Erap declared his “All-Out War” against the MILF.
Meanwhile, Jun and Inday organized and invited me to join the People’s Consultative Assembly (PCA).
The PCA, although overshadowed and overtaken by KOMPIL II and COPA, planned, initiated and executed the Ouster of Erap from October 2000 to January 20, 2001.
Let us move fast forward to the post May 10, 2010 Presidential Elections.
On Thursday, June 3, 2010, the Solidarity 4 Sovereignty surfaced at a People’s Assembly or Congress at the Kalayaan Hall of the Club Filipino.
Since then, I have been invited to two other activities including the People’s SONA in June or July this year where two Philippine Marine Officers (one active and one retired) spoke and rattled the Aquino Administration.
‘Zarzuela’ Statement
Following is the latest statement from the S4S covering the whole “HULLABALLOO” from the May 10, 2010 Presidential Elections until the present contest between the Executive and the Judiciary, P-Noy and the Supreme Court, Aquino and Arroyo:
(Topic breaks supplied. – Editor)
“We want Gloria Arroyo charged, indicted and punished for her many crimes against the Filipino people when she was president.
“But why has it taken the Noynoy Administration a year and a half for her to be formally charged with electoral fraud?
“Why have the DOJ and Ombudsman sat on the many cases of plunder, cheating and human rights violations against Gloria Arroyo?
“Why was the Executive Order on the Truth Commission so flawed it was easy for the Supreme Court to declare it unconstitutional?
“Why was it even headed by a chairman who was clearly beholden to Gloria?
Electoral Fraud Raps
“Many Filipinos are elated by the charge of electoral fraud against Gloria Arroyo for which a departure hold order by a court has been officially issued against her.
“But renowned constitutionalists/legal experts have stated that electoral fraud is a new offense after the Omnibus Election Code because of which the law has still many loopholes with the mechanics of the said law not still in place making her exoneration or dismissal of her case almost inevitable.
“Are we being taken for a ride by this administration and its “student council subalterns”?
“Is the “zarzuela” or mass deception underway to make it appear Gloria Arroyo is being prosecuted for her crimes just to pacify the Filipino people and to drum up popularity for Noynoy Aquino?
“Or is this part of the deal that Noynoy and Gloria entered into before the May 1O elections?
Conspiracy Evident
“The “Aquinorroyo Conspiracy” is becoming quite evident.
“At this stage Mike Arroyo and Mikey have escaped judgment for their many crimes against the Filipinos and no one in the Noynoy camp is complaining.
“The Filipino people will be left with an empty bag, thanks to Noynoy.
“Gloria Arroyo cheated FPJ in 2004 to continue her Presidency. She cheated again in 2007 to ensure that the check and balance of the Legislative will be bent in her favor as Executive. She had to cheat in 2010 through a Comelec that unconstitutionally turned over the elections to Smartmatic.
“Besides, the big eco-political elite did not want their interests threatened by a failure or postponement of elections thus they paved the way for Gloria to deal with her successor.
“Huge money changed hands for which we have been informed the late Gov. Nantes paid with his life and for which we have been calling for an investigation.
More Frightening, Sinister
“Who benefited from the cheating of Gloria Arroyo in 2010 through PCOS machines that read unauthenticated Xeroxed copies and not actual votes? Not the 2010 presidentiables who lost!
“Gloria had to cheat in 2010 to guarantee her protection as she ended her term as president, from prosecution and punishment and save her/her family’s life, but most important of all, to keep intact the trillions of people’s money she had stolen with her husband and sons.
“And the end game is even more frightening and sinister – a constituent assembly that will usher a parliamentary form of government and erase all the crimes of Gloria Arroyo and family in the old system of government.
“At the same time it will legitimize the unconstitutionality of the last elections from the presidency to the last mayor.
A Clever Cover-Up
“We see that this issue between the Supreme Court and the DOJ erupted when the results of a survey showed that more than half of our population or more than 1OM Filipino families said they were hungry.
“This seeming conflict of supposed Constitutional crisis proportions is a clever cover-up for the worsening poverty and hunger of our people which Noynoy Aquino has not cared to or has failed to address for the past 17 months.
“Noynoy has not even been able to control the runaway prices of food, fuel, other basic commodities, electricity and transportation, even toll fees, etc.
“Is there any economic relief under his watch especially with forecasts of further global economic collapse?
What should we do?
For Other Plunderers, too
“Threats of a global war confront us increasingly.
“Developed nations want to depopulate poor nations like ours so that they can use our mineral resources for themselves.
“Thus, we are ready to unite with groups based on principled goals to save ourselves and our nation.
“As we question Noynoy’s legitimacy, we can tolerate him if he will appropriately respond ASAP to the present hunger of the Filipino people by reducing prices of goods/commodities affordable to our poor.
“If he is unable to deliver, we shall seek other leaders/allies who will repudiate/suspend our national debt servicing 70% of our national budget, use the funds for education, health, housing and other social services and generate employment by empowering our manufacturing sector through the establishment of cheap electricity.
“We will consider as partners those who will genuinely charge, indict and punish Gloria Arroyo and family and make them return the colossal funds they plundered from our people.
“This should be done for other plunderers.
Keeping Sovereignty Intact
“We also call on our people to shelve with finality the foreign sponsored RH Bill with its clear mandate for abortion and population control.
“We ask our Muslim brothers and sisters to join us resolve the conflict in Mindanao with our sovereignty intact.
“And if we are to truly build our nation and make it strong, we must ensure that our military will no longer be just the glorified bodyguards of our politicians or wealthy elite but that they shall be trained and treated as the protector of our people and our State.
“Finally, we invite all Filipino patriots of all ideologies or political parties, of all sectors and regions, especially our youth, to build with us a nation that honors and protects our inalienable and sovereign rights.
“God Bless Us All! Mabuhay ang Bansang Pilipinas! Mabuhay ang Pilipino!!!”
Posted by
6:36:00 AM
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