Sangandaan '93
Richard James Mendoza
Next Saturday, many gullible people are going to participate in what is called “Earth Hour”, a 60 minute ritualistic orgy of the environmentalists where they turn the lights off in a symbolical (but futile) attempt to reduce their carbon footprints. This year, it will be held on March 26 at 8:30 p.m. on each country’s respective time (meaning, the event wouldn’t be held simultaneously but in a staggered pattern). Sadly, the Philippines is one of the event’s participants. Indeed, it is saddening as most aren’t yet aware of the blatant misinformation and scaremongering led by the so-called environmentalists along with the mainstream media about global warming/climate change or whatever name they’ve given to it (I wish they’d make up their minds about the naming convention).
What’s so special about carbon dioxide (CO2) that makes these kinds of people react wildly? In their words, it causes the so-called “greenhouse effect” wherein the sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere and the atmospheric gases (for them, it’s CO2) act like the glass panes on a greenhouse, reflecting the sun’s rays inside the atmosphere, thus only allowing few of the remaining sun’s rays to escape (in the form of heat). But a little research shows that CO2 doesn’t even have a significant amount to affect the Earth or its temperature for that matter. In fact, it is only about less than 1% of the atmosphere’s component. And where are all these CO2 stored if it isn’t even a significant part of the atmosphere? The answer lies in our oceans. These vast bodies of water release carbon dioxide in very slowly and if my memory serves me right, it’s around 800,000 years.
If one would look at the CORRECT graphs and figures, one could see that the flux of temperature is followed by the flux of carbon dioxide. In other words, fluctuations in carbon dioxide FOLLOW fluctuations in temperature, not the other way around as these people would like you to think. Looking at the previous sentence, one might wonder why I said “CORRECT graphs…” with obvious emphasis on the word “correct.” The reason is the so-called “Hockey stick” figure, famously used by Al Gore in his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” The “graph” shows the rather steady line in the past centuries but suddenly rises in the 20th century, giving an impression of a hockey stick. Later investigations found out that the data and the graph itself were manipulated, thus losing its merit even to the alarmists.
Some might ask: “But what about the greenhouse effect?” It turns out that the term “greenhouse effect” is nothing more than “a deceptive term,” according to W.R. Pratt, in a booklet entitled “CO2: The Debate Is Not Over” which can be found in this link: (PDF file, requires Adobe Reader). According to Pratt, “The term was first coined in 1824 by Joseph Fourier to describe the way the atmosphere is warmed by the heat from the Sun. But it is John Tyndall, who according to some, it is claimed, is responsible for proving that the Earth has a greenhouse effect. It is strange then that in his book entitled Contributions to Molecular Physics in the domain of Radiant Heat written in the 1860s when he was professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution (previously known as the Hidden College) that the closest he comes to alluding to anything like a greenhouse effect is a reference on page 117 to the atmosphere behaving like a dam on heat energy from the sun. However even this is an extremely inaccurate and unhelpful analogy because there are only two dynamics invoked in the example of a dam: The water flowing down hill and the wall of the dam across the path of the body of flowing water. However the dynamics involved in the heat energy from the Sun entering the Earth’s atmosphere are so numerous that they simply cannot be quantified.”
Again, some might ask: “But how about climate change? This is a dangerous threat to our planet.” Cut the trap, will you? The climate is ALWAYS changing. As matter of fact, the only thing constant in this world is change! Why are people allowing these liars to brainwash them and not even bother to ask? Because “the debate is over,” they say. But no, science is not about consensus. There would be and should be always a debate to discuss the different theories that are continually appearing. Even the Big Bang theory is no exception. And yet, we have these prevaricators shoving their goods into our throats saying “The debate is over!” They are no different from the so-called “civil society” that I’ve seen here in our country.
How about the Earth Hour? Don’t even bother joining their farcical orgy and burning candles. It’s an exercise in futility. Question: If these alarmists are SO concerned about reducing carbon dioxide and “saving the planet,” as they claim, why don't they do these things? Here, I have a list of methods to reduce carbon dioxide. It’s from with some editions. Without further ado, here are some of the ways to reduce carbon dioxide and “saving the planet”:
STOP breathing: When you exhale, you release CO2.
Don’t drive: We all know how bad driving is.
Don't live in a house/apartment/condo or any building that uses gas or electricity: Homes produce 2-3 times as much CO2 as cars.
Don't wear shoes or any sort of clothing produced in a factory: Grow a cotton field and make your own clothes by hand.
Quit school: Those school buildings produce more CO2 in a year than you do in 20 years.
Eat meat raw: Whether you're using gas or electric both produce CO2.
Turn off this monitor and computer: You hypocrite.
Don't use toilets; urinate or defecate in your backyard: The water in your house is cleaned and sent to your house using pumps that use electricity.
Stop exercising: Increasing your heart rate increases the amount of oxygen you take in and turn into carbon dioxide when exhaling.
And my personal favorite...
DIE: Dying younger means you will do all of the things above less. Living a year less means you will save the earth 8.4 tons of CO2 every year you're not here!
Now, why not these so-called environmentalists do the list (especially the last item), thus culling some idiots in the process? Well, as they say: “Do as I say, not as I do.” In short, hypocrisy! In conclusion, let me quote a few lines from a song by Kamikazee entitled “Ert”:
“As far as I can tell,
This place just looks like hell,
Controlled by hate and greed
Self-centered goals and dreams…”