Thursday, August 19, 2010


Richard James Mendoza

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the H1N1 virus is no longer a threat. It was never a large threat in the first place.. Reports indicate that the ones who advised the WHO to declare the H1N1 as a pandemic had connections with large pharmaceutical companies known collectively as "Big Pharma". Thus, it can be seen as a case of profiteering for Big Pharma that made the drugs. It is sad to see that many countries bought into the scare, the Philippines included, and as a result, we basically spent for contaminated junk that had no real use.

Speaking of vaccines, it was found last year that a girl from England died from the vaccine and consequently, the vaccination then was suspended. If we are to look at statistics, ordinary flu is more deadly than "swine flu", mostly affecting the young and the elderly. They projected about 100,000+ deaths but it came nowhere close to that. I guess my friend was right when he thought of H1N1 as "Buy one, take one": We bought into the scare and we took the drugs.

Now, it seems that another "superbug" has arisen, with cases being reported in India. Let us monitor the situation but at the same time be vigilant regarding the plans of Big Pharma trying to sell their wares to support the depopulation agenda of the global elite.