Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ministries of Disinformation: Introduction

Richard James Mendoza

A Ministry of Information is a ministry in a parliamentarian government whose task is to release information about the current events in an administration as well as control the flow of information. Although the Philippines has a different style of governance, it has its own version of a Ministry of Information. An example is the Office of the Press Secretary.

But that's not all. Thanks to the corporatocracy along with media entities such as ABS-CBN, GMA-7, Inquirer, ad nauseam, along with its accessibility to the masses, its task of spreading disinformation to the unsuspecting public is made easier. Even survey firms such as SWS and "False Asia" play a part in the disinformation drive. Aside from obfuscated statistics being presented by the government, these survey firms are nothing but tools by the yellows, such as their fantastic claim of "88% of Filipinos trusting Aquino III."

Collectively, these firms, agencies, etc. (which are owned by the corpo-rats) are what I call the Ministries of Disinformation. Seeing that Aquino III is "president", the term might be changed to singular form, making it the MINISTRY of Disinformation, since Aquino III only serves the interests of the oligarchy. In return, these oligarchs use their media entities to spray cheap perfume on their "messiah" as a reward for his subservience to them.

But what is the Ministry's task/s? They present lies, half-truths and produce propaganda hyperbole to the Filipino people for the dumbing down of the masses so that when the time comes, the populace will beome nothing but zombies and the cycle of subservience has become irreversible. For now, it's only in the middle stages and can still be fought by only one weapon: Truth. The truth is not flexible, lies are.

Next article will be about the Ministry's role as presiding judge in their trials of publicity, which is tantamount to usurpation of power.
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