9/11: How our wars today began
(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 09-10-2014 WED)
The end of the Cold War and the 1990s brought the notion that the
horrors of war and nuclear Armageddon ended prospects of future wars.
America's taste and budgets for war also dove (or so it seemed). A
1992 book, The End of History by Francis Fukuyama, laid the myth that
capitalist liberal-democracy's victory as the perfect and "final form
of human government" had obviated conflict. Samuel Huntington, of the
neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), saw a new age of
conflict along cultural-religious lines. In a lecture series, he
posited "The Clash of Civilizations" (a phrase from Bernard Lewis'
"The Roots of Muslim Rage"), which laid the basis for "jihadism" in
subverting the world.
Fukuyama and Huntington come from the same community of conservatives
and neoconservatives (with some dressed as liberal and progressive
intellectuals), comprising the vast majority of 1,800 US "think tanks"
incubating and propagating justifications for US world dominance. AEI
is among many, such as the Council of Foreign Relations, Rand Corp.,
Heritage Foundation, Freedom House, National Endowment for Democracy,
US Institute for Peace, ad nausea, supported by either or both US
government and private funding. Many of them, in turn, promote and
fund projects and NGOs in targeted countries, including the
Drawing from the many neoconservative think tanks, a new strategic
plan and brain trust to establish US dominance in the 21st Century was
formed (which included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, et
al., all part of George W. Bush's core). Called "The Project for a
New American Century (PNAC)," the strategy set out for "American
global leadership" on the pretext that "American leadership is both
good for America and... the world."
Interestingly, PNAC's Section V, Rebuilding America's Defenses, states
that "the process of transformation (of the military) ... is likely to
be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a
new Pearl Harbor."
The 1941 Pearl Harbor attack, with 2,403 Americans killed, is the
moment that tipped an insular, pacifist US population in the mainland,
which up until then refused to join the raging war in Europe and Asia,
into committing itself body and soul to the war.
A "new Pearl Harbor" in September 2001 did transpire as if, and many
like this writer believe to be, by design--starting with the attack on
New York's World Trade Center (WTC) 1 and 2, and then the collapse of
WTC 7--which killed over 3,000 and left the US population in "shock
and awe," overwhelming the people with emotional vulnerability to
suggestive propaganda that "Muslim rage (and) Bin Laden did it."
"Shock and awe" is still employed with regularity today. As recently
as two weeks ago, US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were
supposedly beheaded by a British-accented Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria (ISIS) terrorist. But even outlets such as Al Jazeera now
question the authenticity of the beheadings, as there was no blood
shown besides the inexplicably stoic expressions of the men about to
have their heads cut off.
Still, the Foley and Sotloff events overwhelmed the US population's
aversion to restarting US bombings and eventual troop redeployment in
the Middle East after forcing Obama to hold off from bombing Syria,
turning the US public into "sheeple" once again.
People normally can think for themselves, but the art of turning the
most rational of them to "sheeple" has been a well-developed one and
all rulers require it, from Joseph Goebbels to PR-marketing master
Edward Bernays for capitalist-consumer society, to benignly named
London-based Travistock Institute of Human Relations and the MKUltra
program of the CIA.
"Shock and awe," as a basic tool to overwhelm people's rational
senses, was used in recent times also in the East Ukraine MH17 plane
destruction, which Western powers used to ramp up anti-Russian
feelings and are now covering up.
Goebbels said, "Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the
government can play." Today, the press is "the Media," including the
omnipresent "social media" down to individual cellphones. All of them
have played up the WTC 1 and 2 collapse, but few in world know about
Building 7 not being hit by any plane yet still imploding in gravity
To understand the "inside job" that was 9/11, the "sheeple" must
become "people" again, by shaking off impressions from controlled
mainstream media and by studying for themselves "AE 9/11 Truth" of
2,200 architects and engineers calling for a new investigation of the
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