Ce sont des hypocrites
(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 01-14-2015 WED)
The response of many anti-war, anti-imperialist, human rights, and peace activists expressing themselves on alternative media to the “Je suis Charlie” slogan has been “Je ne suis pas Charlie” (We are not Charlie), a clear denunciation of the hypocrisy of those rallyists, writers, pundits, and global political leaders who uphold the wrong principle by calling for the wrong response (vengeance) and maintaining the wrong message (discrimination) in light of the Charlie Hedbo incident and the cry of the oppressed peoples.
A surviving member of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists’ group, Dutch-born Bernard Holtrop, said this of the many personalities who joined the Je suis Charlie Paris unity march: “We vomit on all these people who suddenly say they are our friends.” Indeed, with personalities like Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, who thinks nothing of bombing to death Palestinian children and women; or the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland, who triggered the Ukrainian coup that has now killed 5,000 ethnic Russian civilians in East Ukraine; or French leaders who’ve caused 50,000 deaths in Libya and destroyed that nation, I, too, vomit.
MailOnLine reports that Bernard Holtrop found the new fame of Charlie Hedbo “laughable.” Alternative media have published many articles of genuine freedom advocates: Justin Raimondo’s “March of the Hypocrites” (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40681.htm); Chris Hedge’s “Message from the Dispossessed” (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40677.htm); and Dr. David Halpin’s “Je suis Ali Abbas: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism” (http://www.globalresearch.ca/je-suis-ali-abbas-the-forgotten-victims-of-state-terrorism/5424384).
It should not escape the serious analysts of such terror events that there are sufficient newspaper accounts of how the four “terrorists” involved in the Charlie Hedbo and Kosher store attacks have histories with Islamist rebel-terrorist groups operating in Syria, Yemen, and other countries where such movements are supported by Western funding, training, and arms supply, and under close surveillance by the Western authorities. Read “Charlie Hebdo Killers Armed and Trained in Syria--Terrorism Made in France?” from the Activist Post, and you’ll get the sense that the events were somehow allowed to happen by elements in the security apparatus.
GlobalResearch’s report, “Ankara Mayor Gökçek: ‘Mossad is Behind the Paris Attacks’,” alleges that the deadly attacks in Paris “are the result of France expressing support for Palestine, and that Israeli intelligence is behind the attacks,” as the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported. We must recall that just prior to the Paris attacks, several European states had already signified support for Palestine’s membership in the UN. This incident now puts France in a difficult position vis-à-vis its population already brainwashed by mainstream media’s anti-Muslim take of the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher store attacks.
The main argument of the “Je suis Charlie” multimillion marchers is that they are marching for Western civilization values of “freedom of speech” and the “use of the pen against bullets.” But the 500 year-old history of Western nations using the cannon to invade Third World nations (that continue today with drones), maiming and killing thousands upon thousands in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan et al. should show these historically-dumbed down Western peoples that the rest of the world may not see them in the same light that they do.
The West is now getting its comeuppance of sorts from centuries of imperialist policies. So long as Western populations fail to reflect upon these truths and their ruling classes’ continuing oppressive, murderous, imperial adventures on the rest of the world, the carnage will continue as more zeroes will be added to the number of the dead.
It is the duty of global media, and especially alternative media, to educate Western populations with the true story of global terrorism and the West’s provocateur role, in the face of the blowback of Islamist “shock and awe” inevitably rising in frequency and severity.
Unless Western peoples learn the whole truth and force their ruling powers to cease the oppression and murders by their armed and covert forces in the Third World (most victims of which are Islamic), their protests against terrorism and bigotry will amount to nothing but sheer hypocrisy--Ce sont des hypocrites--as there will be no peace anywhere in the world and in these Western peoples’ homelands.
(Listen to Sulô ng Pilipino, 1098 AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; watch GNN Talk News TV with HTL on Destiny Cable Channel 8, SkyCable Channel 213, and www.gnntv-asia.com, Saturday, 8 p.m. and replay Sunday, 8 a.m.; search Talk News TV and date of showing on YouTube; visit http://newkatipunero.blogspot.com; and text reactions to 0917-8658664)