Sunday, March 6, 2011

Right actions

Herman Tiu Laurel

This is going to turn out to be a splendid week for all Filipinos. First we saw a truly magnificent display of personal integrity and character in the person of Bishop Tobias. His apology for the Church’s past actions against President Joseph Estrada washes away much of its pertinent transgressions even if the CBCP says it’s only his own personal view. Bishop Tobias was at the forefront of Edsa Dos and as much its symbol as its other leading lights, his humble mea culpa lights another candle in our march to discernment. Tobias will march again today, in KME’s rally at the Plaza Miranda.

“Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past.”, and Bishop Tobias continues with the right actions. Aside from saying the mass for Estrada’s birthday last Wednesday, he will march with the Kilusan ng Makabansang Ekonomiya on April 21 to denounce Arroyo’s economic policies that exploit and oppress the people –particularly on the issue of the national debt which Tobias and the KME wants to repudiate. Bishop Labayen will be with them and no doubt will talk on the “Filipino First Policy” again, as he always does, to help resurrect the Philippine economy.

President Estrada said in his speech at the St. Peter’s Basilica that he considers his experience through the five years of persecution as a blessing. Indeed, the five years of trials and tribulations has given him the forum to show the people what he truly is: god fearing, law-abiding, humble, peace loving, steadfast, persevering, magnanimous, forgiving yet firmly resolved to serve the poor. At the very least, he is seen as a changed man; in the very best light he is seen to be the grievously wronged party who was best chance for the poor and for peace, before his term was rudely cut short.

It seems that more and more people are looking as Chavit as the one under scrutiny and trial now. As President Estrada disposes of the accusations against him one- after-the-other in the succession of Wednesday testimonies, the questions arises now: Who really got the jueteng and Tobacco Fund moneys through the years? The plain and simple answer is – Chavit Singson. The families of murder victims pointing accusing fingers at Chavit have served to focus on who the real suspect should be, but their quest for justice will never be pursued with Chavit’s protector Gloria and the FG are in power.

Right Actions for the people seems to be rolling, and maybe this is part of the turning of the tide for truth. While I would not lift the mantle of suspicion we have hung on the Gloria Supreme Court, we will celebrate its declaration of E.O. 464 as unconstitutional. I suppose the Supreme Court members know that it would be a declaration of suicide of the SC if they decided otherwise, or of self-debasement if (as some thought it would) declare it constitutional but criticize only its implementation. Others thought they’d just sit on it.

The Gloria Supreme Court has many sins to its name and this one Right Action reduces it historic crimes against the Constitution by only a scintilla because it’s past bad actions, like declaring “constructive resignation” and suspending indefinitely Atty. Alan Paguia from practicing law for challenging the SC, cumulatively forms a cesspool of violations that have poisoned the wellspring of our jurisprudence.

A decision on E.O. 464 was Erap’s expressed wish for the country which he said in his speech just last Wednesday. Is this providence? Gloria’s reaction is that the SC judgment declaring E.O. 464 should not be used for “harassment”, but harassment is irrelevant as those innocent of wrongdoing have nothing to fear. We simply want factual information from government officials! All public officials should be ready to face public examination for their deeds or misdeeds. I can’t dismiss the feeling that Carpio has coordinated this with Gloria; what their plan is we have to wait to see.

Joc-Joc Bolante, Adm. Mayuga, Gen. Esperon, et al, here come the public to get the truth out of you all. We hope the opposition senators and congressmen do not fail us, the public, in this quest for truth that can finally set this nation free. The pressure, internal and external, is turned on Gloria and ratcheting up now. The rightwing U.S. think tank Heritage Foundation has added its voice to the condemnation of Gloria’s fascist proclivity; coming after the New York Times warning this seems ominous for Gloria’s relations with the U.S. What will she give again to appease the U.S. vultures?

Oil prices are rising once again, and the War on Iran is certainly another oil oligarchy maneuver using Bush’s war plans to up their profits. What is the Right Action for the Philippines to cushion the impact of rising oil prices. So-called Consumer Watch honcho Raul Concepcion says reduce oil tariff from 3% to half of that of even less; but reduced tariff will increase the deficit which will necessitate raising taxes on other fronts! So, you see, Raul Concepcion is not really protecting the consumers. He’s protecting the oil company profits because the Right Action should be to regulate, reduce and limit the oil companies’ profits which have been increasing by 40-70% every year!

(Tune in to 1098AM, 2-3pm T-Th; 6-7pm M-W-F)

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