Friday, September 21, 2012

Fears for our times

Herman Tiu Laurel

Are we at the trigger point for new major wars and conflicts? The murder of the US ambassador to Libya is now accepted as a conspiracy of Zionist-funded career "Islamophobes" and state intelligence apparatuses. Before whipping up the crowds, a network of agitators on the ground in Libya and Egypt waited for the YouTube insult to the Prophet Mohammed as the perfect cover for the attack that was carried out with military precision. Libya's General National Congress president Izzat al-Megaryef said the assault "was prepared, especially since it coincided with the date of Sept. 11… (with) non-Libyan elements on Libyan soil," adding that "the manner in which (it) occurred… confirms that this was planned and programmed to achieve a purpose," which allegedly does not "exclude discovering things that will link al-Qaeda (to) the US consulate attack."

In Asia, evidence is clear of a provocation by the Japanese with their purchase of the controversial Diaoyu Islands disputed between their country and China. The Japanese government obviously chose not to "let sleeping dogs lie" by, take note, signing the official contract with the Kurihara family (the so-called private owner of those islands) on Sept. 11, 2012 to nationalize the territory under the name of the Japanese state.
I was bewildered by the uncanny coincidence of the Japanese provocation to the date signifying the 21st Century's Day of Infamy (from either conventional or conspiratorial points-of-view). There are only 365 days to a regular year and coincidences over time can happen often, but the frequency of destabilizing 9/11 events seems to have increased since 2001.

The other notable 9/11 events in history: On Sept. 11, 1990, President George Bush (Sr.) delivered a speech to the US Congress entitled, "Moving Toward a New World Order." (Exactly 11 years later in 2001, the 9/11 World Trade Center terror attacks occurred.) On Sept. 11, 1941, official construction on the world's symbol of imperial power — the Pentagon — started. On that same date in 1972, the Munich Olympic Massacre took place, indubitably the first terror act aired live worldwide. Earlier, the proclamation of the British mandate for Palestine happened on Sept. 11, 1922; then, two and a half centuries further back, Western civilization defeated the Ottoman Muslim Turks in the Battle of Zenta in 1697. While we do not accept numerologists' unscientific views of such coincidences, there could be psychological reasons among historic leader-personalities to such occultist dates and numbers fixations.

As we speak, the ruling powers in the West are again ratcheting up the containment of other powers via a global war. Who are the ruling powers? Are they the so-called elected leaders like Barack Obama? No. They are the financial cabals comprising the global financial center (called the City of London) where the recent interest rate manipulation scandal broke and where the Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate) controls the interest rates of the world; same with Wall Street banks like J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs that control the US Federal Reserve.

Unfortunately for them, the Western financial system is in its death throes as its "hypothetication," or its practice of pledging property or debt papers as security or collateral for debts without any transfer of title or possession — and without limit for the bankers of London and Wall Street — has finally caught up to it. The millions who have joined Occupy Wall Street, for instance, will lynch these "banksters" as only war without and within can spring these modern Shylocks.

Meanwhile, 4,000 US Marines are now on their way to Africa after Ambassador Steven's assassination in Benghazi, while an Armada of US, British, and French warships are sailing for the most massive naval exercise yet in the Straits of Hormuz — these as Google feigns loyalty to "freedom of information" in keeping the insulting 15-minute video vs Islam running while banning ideological controversial but decent videos of American dissenter Alex Jones; and as the US expands its Okinawa military base over protests of the Japanese people; as it crushes coral reefs in Jeju, South Korea to set up a 120-hectare military base; and as it expands its Darwin, Australia secret bases as well as tighten control of the Zamboanga bases such as Andrews Airfield where Filipino troops' presence is restricted, ad nausea.

Unfortunately, oligarchy-controlled media impose obliviousness by dwelling on petty scandals and quarrels of the natives. Yet equally worse, the nation's political leadership continues to kowtow to Western diktats by dutifully paying an annual tribute (P440-billion amortization, same amount on interest on the national debt) and genuflecting before the war god. Its economists, too, hype humps on the road as signs of "economic progress," all papering over the fears for our world and our times.

Frankly, there is no hope from the current political system. We must persist in hoping and struggling to awaken the people with real information and critical thinking if we are to wean them from entertainment opiates.

Let us unite the people in enlightenment so that we can reinstate our nation's dream of a decent life for all, coupled with security and economic prosperity for all our children.

(Watch Talk News TV with HTL, Saturday, 8 to 9 p.m., with replay at 11:15 p.m. and 8 a.m. Sunday, on GNN Destiny Cable Channel 8 and on, this week, "Economics, Money, and Gold" with Ibon's Sonny Africa and KME's Hiro Vaswani; tune in to 1098AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 to 6 p.m.; visit

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