Friday, September 2, 2011

Newsboy Linggoy complains against 'Lite'

Linggoy Alcuaz

Last week, Tuesday, August 23, 2011, we completed several kinds of yearly, 12-month or 52-week cycles:

Our weekly paper, OpinYon, completed 52 issues on August 15.

It published its first issue of its second year on Monday, August 22. That night, we celebrated our first anniversary with a modest dinner and program at the historic Kalayaan Hall of the Club Filipino in Greenhills in San Juan City.

Practical Lesson
A practical lesson for the future is to serve dinner to those who have roles in the program before unleashing them on the stage. My role was to introduce the columnists and staff of OpinYon. I arrived late for the 6 pm Mass and just about almost on the dot for the rest of the program.

Since I had had a long day (Neal Cruz’s Kapihan sa Diamond Hotel in the morning, PAGCOR sponsored Plaridel lunch at the Pan Pacific Hotel, and the whole afternoon at the Senate), I had planned to freshen up and change shirts.

There was no more time. The program was proceeding. I saw the lechon. I got some. I put some sauce. Then it was my time.

I went up to the podium on a very hungry stomach.

Ergo, my vision was going around in circles and I could not focus on my script. I must have jumped and skipped several of our columnists and their bio sketches in the process.

Ray Who? Dunnit
Our publisher, Ray Junia, completed a whole year of doling out enough money to subsidize our weekly.

Well, to those who only know him as “Ray Who?,” he has already accomplished the following:

From the original tabloid sized weekly with a cluttered front page, the third issue (September 6, 2010) sported what Ike Seňeres taught me was a “Tall Boy” format with an uncluttered front page.

Somewhere along the line, he came up with the best newsprint our lack of ads could buy.

Ray held the paper together thru three editorial eras – from the time we did not have to explain who Ike Seňeres was to the transitional Al Labita and the personal tragedies that engulfed him and finally to Luchie Arguelles. I hope I did not miss any editors in between. Hehehe!

This was one time I could have edited an editor completely out of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’s history.

Radyo OpinYon
He has experimented with several phases of Radyo OpinYon.

We started with Monday to Friday, 7 – 8 pm, night programs on DWBL at Paragon, EDSA.

Then, we shifted to 5 – 6 pm, still Monday to Friday, on DWAD at Dumlao on Shaw Blvd.

Now, we will be on the air once a week, very early on Sunday mornings (630 am) only on DZRH over at the CCP Complex.

After a year with a weekly opinion paper that was being taken seriously, he launched the “Lite” Thursday to Saturday issue.

The ‘Lite’ Edition
When I first heard two to three months ago that we were going from once a week to twice a week, I was the first to complain.

I was not complaining as a columnist but as a “newsboy” or delivery boy of our complimentary copies as well as the paid for copies of our subscribers who belong to weekly Kapihans.

First, our cost would double. I believed that we should first expand our exposure, our market and our outlets.

Second, it would complicate the delivery to our subscribers who attend weekly Kapihans.

With the weekly, the shelf life of an issue is a week or seven days. With the twice weekly, the shelf life is down to three days.

In practice, we would end up delivering two issues, one new and one old at the same time.

Glorified Newsboy
Finally, those “sukis” of OpinYon who live on complimentary copies will quarrel with me if I only give then one issue per week.

So, we will end up subsidizing their literacy maintenance doses at double the cost of before.

Well, anyway, I’m not the owner, publisher, editor nor even just the circulation manager. I’m just a glorified “newsboy” who tries to follow orders.

So, twice a week it will be. But I dread the day we go daily or even just thrice weekly.

That’s a shelf life of just two days. And, our newsprint is so nice. What a waste!

Except for the weight, I wish I were delivering encyclopedias instead.

Or, better still – Yearbooks! They are usually just one volume.

Then, when they are past their shelf life, we could consign them to BookSale.

Career as Columnist
Except for my column in our college paper, “The Guidon” (Our Editor-in-Chief is now Justice Antonio T. Carpio. Our Managing Editor is now Chief Justice Renato C. Corona), I cannot remember completing a year writing a column for a newspaper.

In 1986, I wrote a column for the then new “The Manila Standard” (Our Editor-in-Chief was Rod Reyes (later Erap’s Press Secretary) under the pseudonym E. K. Walis, since I was in Cory Aquino’s government then as Deputy Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission.

Before I could complete a year writing my column, I was promoted to commissioner, became very busy and stopped writing.

In 1990, the Philippine Daily Inquirer (the Editor-in-Chief was Dick Pascual) suffered an epidemic among its columnists – plagiarism, sickness and travel. The Publisher Eufemia “Eggie” Apostol got me as a temporary contributor for just a few weeks.

However, my brief stint would get me entangled with an unprofessional mercenary and would be assassin, Jack Terrell.

Comic Strip?
In 1995 when John Gokongwei bought “The Manila Times”, Malou Mangahas became the Editor-in-Chief. We had often met at parties given by Joan Orendain (a corporate public relations practitioner and pro bono PR adviser of the RAM). She probably liked my humor and my satire. She got me to write a column. It turned out later that what she wanted was a comic strip.

I made Xerox copies of my old Standard and Inquirer columns and submitted them to her before I started writing.

Up to that time (mid 90’s), I wrote my columns with a typewriter and submitted them in coupon bond.

All throughout my stint with the Times, Malou chided me for not writing funny columns.

When it became obvious to her that I would not be funny, she terminated me at the end of the year. Fortunately, I was not alone.

She also terminated UP Professor Luis Teodoro and a couple of others.

Stint in ‘Sex’ Tabloids
In 1996 or 1997, I wrote a column briefly for a Pichay English tabloid. Unfortunately, our circulation was so small.

Rey Briones was our Editor-in-Chief.

If I remember right, Pichay was a successful owner of a string of sex-laden tabloids.

One day his wife rebelled and threatened to leave him.

As a peace and love offering, he founded a decent English tabloid and promisedhis wife that he would scrap the indecent publications once his new decent paper made enough profit.

That meant never!

Writing vs Health
Although, as the top amateur delivery boy of OpinYon, I objected vehemently to the expansion to twice a week, as a writer, I volunteered to write for both issues.

Aside from this, I’ve been writing twice a week, Mondays and Fridays, since mid-April for Diaryo Pinoy, a Pilipino tabloid.

Former Congressman Jing Paras is the Publisher and Susan Cambri is the Managing Editor.

Since I am a deadline or last-minute writer, I usually write my columns at night after dinner.

Normally, I finish after midnight which is a dangerous time.

My wife waits for me before going to bed.

This is against her doctor’s orders to sleep early. That is very dangerous for her underperforming kidneys.

My children are asleep already by that time. That means that if I encounter problems with the Internet, I don’t know how to transfer my column to my USB on my own.

I’m in danger of losing my whole column as I did two weeks ago.

Column-writing occupies me four nights a week.

Writing and Religion
I write Sunday and Thursday nights for the Thursday to Saturday and Monday to Wednesday OpinYon respectively. Then, I write Wednesday and Saturday nights for the Friday and Monday Diaryo Pinoy respectively.

Our Monday nights are reserved for our Couples for Christ prayer meetings. My wife and I joined up in June 2003 through a three-day and two-night Strategic Christian Life Program held in Tagaytay City.

One of our single separated classmates committed suicide within a month. We joined a Household (The basic CFC unit) where we were eight couples then.

One wife died of cancer in less than a quarter. A husband died within the year. The widower and the widow dropped out. Two couples dropped out. Two other couples joined us. One new couple dropped out. The wife of the other couple stays at home and is with us only when the venue of the prayer meeting is in their condo.

An old couple dropped out. An old couple that had transferred to Cebu came back. The husband of our leader couple died last March.

In the meanwhile, we had shifted from weekly to just twice a month prayer meetings.

Is this an indication that journalism and mass media are on the way up and religion is on the way down?

They Survived
Don’t bet on that, our Church and our religion, the Roman Catholic, have been around for two thousand years.

They survived Herod, Pontius Pilate, Saul who became Paul, Atilla the Hun, Henry of England, Luther, Mass Media, Fr. Damaso, Bishop Aglipay, Hitler, Stalin, Television, Malls, Computers, Internet, the RH Bill, Mideo Cruz…

The writer of our Issue # 39’s front page banner story, Manuel Vicente Arsenio/Zaragoza Araneta/Tuason Alcuaz, died on Sunday, July 24.

His family is still not sure whether to commemorate the 40th day since his death on Friday or Saturday, September 2 or 3. There will be 6 pm Masses on both days at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on Broadway Avenue, New Manila QC.

If you want to verify the correct and final date, please call Mano’s Globe Cell phone # 0917 893 0027.

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