Friday, November 28, 2014

Global Justice or World Domination

Global Justice or World Domination

Global Research, October 21, 2014

History is a teacher of life, says the old proverb. Hence, it should be regarded as a part of life and the future, not only a part of the past.

We recall that the drive for redrawing the borders was one of the key objectives of aggressors in the First World War. The revision of history and results of the First and Second World Wars could prove to be but a front for the revision of borders.

The Great War began following the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum, one that everyone clearly knew that Serbia could not have possibly accepted. At the end of that same, 20th century, Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) was given A similar ultimatum by NATO in Rambouillet, also one that obviously could not be accepted. The request contained therein was: either accepting unconditional occupation of the entire country, or having war. NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY) of 1999 was the turning point in global relations, marking the transition from the relative peace and a sort of observance of the UN system, towards the global interventionism and violation of the basic principles of the international relations. Many intellectuals, including the speakers at this Conference, believe that this has triggered the Third World War.

The post-2008 period is marked by a serious global economic crisis. The military spending in the world is heading to reach two trillion US dollars. Step by step, the world has entered a new spiral of arms race. Are we going to respond to it by launching initiatives and activating mechanisms to put it to an end, or are we, just like on the eve of the World War I, going to let this race throw all of us once again into the chasm of disaster?

A short period of global partnership is being replaced by an increasing global distrust. Is there any readiness to seek just compromises in resolving outstanding problems and revert to general interests of the humanity, as embodied in peace and progress for all peoples and nations?

The narrow circles of the privileged ones are amassing enormous wealth. In a stark contrast, misery, poverty, illnesses, extremism and terrorism are on the rise. How can we possibly seek to develop and spread human and civilization values and rights against the backdrop of such misery, poverty, illnesses, extremism and terrorism? Do we realize the danger entailed by the boiling social discontent? Are we ready to concede that the previously applied methods of combating international terrorism exclusively by military force, have instead been actually powering its further strengthening and dissemination?

The poverty suffered by a major share of human kind is not a mere result of the growing population, but rather an outcome of the increasing iniquity in distribution of assets, within the system that defends the privileges of the rich and prevents development of the poor. The roads to both First and Second World Wars were paved by egotism, denial of equality, and trampling the interest of other nations. The ball is in our court. Shall we continue to speak up and fight for a just international order, or shall we assert that the era of liberal capitalism aggression is not the right moment for such an action? Are we aware that external and forcible imposition of internal systems in target countries, pursuant to the "one-for-all" model, gradually emerges as the foundation of global domination, interventionism, and neo-fascism?

The question at hand is, do we opt for the global domination of "exceptional" ones, or for the multi-polarity and a democratic world order of all equal sovereign nations?

What is left out of the UN's and the OSCE's functions of preventive action and peaceful resolution of disputes? Should we, really, consent that the policies of force and of double standards have become legitimate or we should oppose it and struggle for civilization of peace, dignity and freedom for all? There is growing evidence that we have entered the age of hybrid democracy and ersatz civic values and human rights. Institutions of democratic state became the service of the most powerful corporations possessing military-industrial and financial capital.

Although the institutional formations persevere, an even the new ones are being created in the international domain, the true power is steadily shifting into the narrow and usually informal groups, councils or commissions directly influenced by such military-industrial and financial capital. Issues of war or peace are rarely discussed in parliamentary proceedings; at best, they are being decided in a summary procedure.

Democratic public debates on vital issues have definitely become a rarity.

The tangible aspect of militarization is expressed in rapid growth in numbers of foreign bases, especially on the European soil. Presently, Europe hosts more foreign military bases that at the peak of the Cold War. Why? After the USA Military base Bond-steel, erected in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999, there mushroomed four more USA bases in Bulgaria, additional four in Romania, and so on. Pre-1999 existing bases are being upgraded, either by anti-missile shields, or by new facilities for revolving rapid-response task forces. All are creeping closer to the borders of Russia. We are witnessing a new edition of the old, almost forgotten doctrine, "Drang nach Osten". In parallel, the media, including even in countries of the oldest democratic traditions, are having increasingly less freedom.

Is it possible to maintain THIS unipolar world and privileges by inciting wars, fratricidal conflicts, coups, or colored revolutions?

On the eve of the First World War, it was obvious that certain countries were rapidly arming, and, in parallel, that their appetites for territories and resources were growing. The true meaning of these trends was played down. This illusion was, alas, paid dearly, in millions of human lives. The "September Program", authored by that-time German Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, dated 9 September 1914, one hundred years ago, openly stated German territorial pretensions aimed at neighbors, customs union in the form of an expanded market, and "German colonial Africa", as considered by Franz Fischer, a prominent German historian. Hollweg's "September Program" had a clearly invading, expansionist character. Hollweg's plan triggers various reminiscences, such as this one:

In April 2000, ten months after the end of NATO's armed aggression against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), Bratislava hosted a summit of heads of governments and states, and ministers of foreign affairs and of defense of that-time candidate states for joining NATO, and senior public officials of the USA. At this Summit, the American representatives presented their plan for rearranging the relations in Europe. Willy Wimmer, Germany's State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense, and at that time Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, who was present at the Summit, wrote about this "April Plan":

"European legal order is an obstacle for implementation of NATO plans. For this purpose is much more convenient to also apply American legal order in Europe. During the expansion (towards the East, added by Z.J.), it is necessary to reinstate the same spatial situation between the Baltic Sea and Anatolia (in Turkey, added by Z.J.), as existed at the heyday of the Roman Empire expansion. This is why Poland has to be encircled from the north and the south by democratic states as neighbors. Romania and Bulgaria have to ensure land connection to Turkey, whereas Serbia has to be permanently excluded from the European development. North of Poland, a complete control over the Sanct Petersburg access to the Baltic Sea must be ensured." (Published in: Actual Issues of Foreign Policy, the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, Belgrade, 2006, pages 73-77).

Almost imperceptibly, the war marketing evolved into a new discipline. It seems that we got accustomed to that "science" very quickly and underestimating the risks. At present, even the non-professionals can easily recognize the pattern of preparing, propagating, and justifying all kinds of aggressions and instigating civil wars. The process comprises these steps: choosing the target; demonizing its legitimate leadership via the media; promises of democracy and fast "better life" that serve to disorientate the public; funding and, as necessary, arming the "pro-democratic" opposition; intensification of destabilizing actions of the NGOs; staging massacres/poisoning by chemical warfare/humanitarian disasters, i.e.: event brands like "Markale" in Sarajevo, "Racak" in Kosovo and Metohija, "Majdan" in Kiev; then follows instigating civil wars or armed aggression; toppling legitimate authorities; installing "pro-democratic" opposition in power; and, finally, assuming the target country's natural and economic resources by the corporations and even by individuals from administrations of the aggressor countries by the so-called transition, also known as the predatory privatizations.

One of disturbing contemporary phenomena is a very extensive interpretation of the notion of national interests. The USA was the first to appropriate the right to proclaim its national interests in practical terms, in any corner of the Planet, and to defend them by armed force. European partners followed suite. Particular attention provoke statements of Joachim Gauck, President of Germany, that Germany must be ready to defend its national interests abroad by force, if needed. State sovereignty over its natural resources is derogated. Brzezinski and Albright openly claim that natural resources in Siberia cannot belong to Russia only, but rather to the so-called international community! The claims for redistribution of natural wealth of the planet are clearly articulated. Here, one may recall the consequences the humanity suffered owing to German ambitions for redistribution of colonies in the run-up to the World War I.

Back in 1914, that-time aggressors solely relied on brute force. Austro-Hungary sought to halt its declining power and decreasing control over other nations' territories, whereas Germany wanted to effect its burgeoning economic and military might by invading neighbors' territories, and by imposing its control over the Berlin-Bagdad route and, eventually, over the entire Europe and Africa. The lessons from World War I show that reliance on force exclusively, coupled with arrogance and disregard for the rights and interests of other nations are not advantage but rather a major weakness.

Another great danger for the contemporary world stems from the presence of power centers which believe they are destined to govern the word, and entrusted with this mission by providence. They hold anyone else in the planet to be handicapped and obliged to do as told and obey directives of the "exceptional" ones. Such centers do not recognize profound changes bringing new distribution of global power. They apply the logic of uni-polar world order not recognizing that this concept is gone and that the history cannot be stopped.
Therefore, having regard to the lessons of history, we may conclude, that it is not the time to seek privileges and domination by force; it is in the interest of humanity to accommodate to the new multi-polar reality, to accept righteous compromises and work for peace.


[i] Address at the International Conference "World War I – Messages to Humanity"
Belgrade, 17 September 2014

Copyright © 2014 Global Research

Will Washington succeed in having Northern Syria ethnically cleansed?

Will Washington succeed in having Northern Syria ethnically cleansed?

by Thierry Meyssan

At Kobané and in its region, where more than 300,000 Syrian Kurds are threatened with extermination by the Islamic Emirate, everyone can take the measure of NATO's duplicity. As the commander of the US Coalition declares he is fighting against the Islamic Emirate, a NATO member, Turkey, furnishes the latter with the military and medical assistance they need, preventing civilians from fleeing and PKK fighters from coming to their aid.

Voltaire Network | Damascus (Syria) | 15 October 2014

In ancient Greek theater, every spectator knew the tragic end of the play in advance. The characters, blinded by the gods, continued to act out what they pretended to reject with their words. But the choir revealed the projects of Destiny for the spectators.

The tragedy that is being played out at Kobané (Arabic Ain al-Arab) was written to conclude with the announced genocide of 300,000 Syrian Kurds. The Islamic Emirate has already taken control of several parts of the city and many surrounding villages. If the Syrian Arab Army fails to breach the lines of the Islamic Emirate to save them, they will all be killed.

The Kurdish population is defended by PYG (autonomist party supporting the Syrian Arab Republic), but Turkey has closed its border so that civilians cannot escape and the reinforcements of the Turkish PKK (separatist party linked to PYG) cannot arrive.

Kurdish forces are controlled by Mahmoud Barkhodan, assisted by Narine Afrin (real name Mayssa Abdo). The choice of a woman as second in command has caused panic in the Islamic Emirate, the jihadists being convinced that they cannot enter heaven if they are killed by a woman.

Faced with the Kurdish resistance, the Islamic Emirate has transferred most of its forces to Syria to crush Kobané.

According to our analysis, repeatedly stated in these columns and in many radio and television stations in Latin America, Russia and the Muslim world, the Islamic Emirate is a creation of the United States tasked with ethnically cleansing the region in order to remodel it. Everyone can see that the soothing declarations of US leaders are belied by their military action on the ground, not against, but in favor of the Islamic Emirate.

The Coalition has conducted six waves of bombings in Kobané. It never targeted positions of the Islamic Emirate and has caused it no loss. However, it holds at a distance further south and west, the Syrian Arab Army which fails to open a breach to save the people.

The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (pro-Israeli) refuses to help Syrian Kurds, with whom it has been in conflict for a long time. To justify this passivity, it argues that it does not have direct access to Syria.

Turkey, a NATO member, refuses to assist Syrian Kurds threatened with genocide as long as they do not give up their independent status in Syria and as long as they do not join NATO's fight against Syria and its elected President Bashar al-Assad.

According to PYG fighters, Turkey daily supplies weapons to the Islamic Emirate and welcomes its wounded into its hospitals, while they themselves have the greatest challenges to transport injured Kurds to Turkey for medical treatment.

In Turkey, the Kurdish Islamic splinter group, Hur Dava Partisi (formerly named Hezbollah in order to create confusion with the Lebanese resistance), went to war against the PKK (Kurdish majority party in the country). The Hüda-Par (abbreviation of Hur Dava Partisi) is supported covertly by AKP chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan both to fight against Kurdish separatism and to support the Muslim Brotherhood.

On August 30th, a leader of the Islamic Emirate, Hikmet, and two of his bodyguards were killed by the PKK in Istanbul where they were staying at the invitation of Hüda-By and under the protection of the Turkish police.

In a text message sent to all its members, the PKK gave the instruction to physically eliminate all members of Hüda-Par, accused of working for the Turkish government and assisting the Islamic Emirate.

On October 10th, making a comparison with the Srebrenica massacre (Yugoslavia, 1995) the special UN envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, challenged Turkey to open its border to prevent the fall of Kobané and the genocide of its population. He demanded in vain that Turkey open its borders.

The head of the US Coalition, General John Allen, also publicly called upon Turkey to open its border and prevent the genocide of the Kobané Kurds. However, it does not appear that the Turkish refusal has altered relations between Washington and Ankara, on the contrary.

Turkey's new foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, said his country would not intervene as long as the Coalition formed by the United States against the Islamic Emirate (of which Turkey is a part) did not decide to impose a no-fly zone in northern Syria and has not given as its objective the overthrowing of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Moreover, the Turkish parliament authorized the government to fight both the Islamic Emirate and the PKK.

Receiving Mr. Çavuşoğlu in Paris, the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, supported the idea of ​​creating a "security zone" in northern Syria, without specifying exactly what he meant by that, but emphasizing his agreement with Turkey.

France, also a NATO member, is directly providing weapons to the separatist Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, without authorization from the central Iraqi government. The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq expanded its territory by 40% in coordination with the Islamic Emirate when it seized the Iraqi Sunni Arab area. In previous years, France politically supported the Turkish PKK (pro-Syrian), she now provides militarily support to the (pro-Israeli) Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.

Currently, the airspace in northern Syria is controlled by the coalition led by the United States. The Islamic Emirate has aircraft (MiGs stolen from Syria and F-15s stolen from Iraq), but has few pilots and technical staff to use them. The creation of a no-fly zone by NATO in Syria, in addition to being a flagrant violation of international law, would therefore have no impact on the ongoing fighting.

The idea of ​​creating a no-fly zone in Syria was promoted by Israel, which sees it as a means to dismember this country, along the lines of what was done from 1991 to 2003 in Iraq (in favor the current Kurdistan Regional Government). However, the only valid comparison to be made is with the buffer zone imposed in 1983 during the Lebanese civil war. Felt like an open recolonization of Lebanon, it turned into a fiasco after the elimination of 300 American and French soldiers.

In Turkey, the PKK multiplies demonstrations to force the Erdoğan government to reopen the border. 31 people have already been killed by the police during the suppression of the protests.

The only question is how long will the Syrian Kurds resist alone against jihadi armed and funded by the United States pursuant to a vote of Congress assembled in a secret session in January, 2014. In other words: when will Washington and its allies manage to ethnically cleanse northern Syria by their creature, the Islamic Emirate?

Roger Lagassé

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Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. His columns specializing in international relations feature in daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian. His last two books published in English : 9/11 the Big Lie and Pentagate.

Monday, November 24, 2014

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Malaysia not invited to join criminal investigation of MH17-- official

Can anything be more shocking than this, evidence of Western conspiracy to deny the World, Asia and the Malaysians the truth behind the MH17 destruction... convincing proof of Kiev and the West's treachery in the incident...


Malaysia not invited to join criminal investigation of MH17-- official

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-11-18 10:22:47
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Malaysia had not been invited to officially join the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which is undertaking the criminal probe, it is reported in Kuala Lumpur Tuesday.

Malaysian Ambassador to the Netherlands Dr Fauziah Mohd Taib told local media that Malaysia has not been invited yet to be involved in the criminal investigation into the downing of Flight MH17, although Dutch-led workers have already started combing the crash site in Ukraine, it is reported here Tuesday.

Malaysia is currently only part of the MH17 technical investigation team, he said.

During his visit to Malaysia on Nov 5, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte had said that it was only logical for Malaysia to be given a more prominent role in the probe.

This was due to the high number of Malaysians who died and because MH17 was a Malaysian registered aircraft.

Fauziah said the issue was one that the Dutch would also need to discuss with the governments of Ukraine and Australia.

She said Malaysia was not invited to join the debris recovery work being carried out at the site either, possibly because it is still not safe to be there.

Malaysian Ambassador to Ukraine Chuah Teong Ban believed that Malaysia would not be allowed to inspect the debris unless it became part of the criminal investigation team.

Malaysia's Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said recently that Malaysia had expressed its stand very clearly that it must be part of the criminal investigation team and had informed Dutch authorities of its intention.
Posted in: Asia-Pacific

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Putin: Russian Economy Won't Be Dominated by 'Dollar Dictatorship'

The following article is from

Putin: Russian Economy Won't Be Dominated by 'Dollar Dictatorship'
Russia is leaving the dictatorship of the market where oil goods are
based on the dollar and won't back down in face of a drastic drop in
world prices on energy resources, Russian President Vladimir Putin
said Friday.

By Sputnik
November 14, 2014 "ICH" - "Sputnik"- MOSCOW, November 14 (Sputnik) -
Russia plans to leave the "dollar dictatorship" of market oil prices
and turn to using the country's national currency and the Chinese
yuan, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"We are leaving the dictatorship of the market where oil goods are
based on the dollar and will increase the possibilities of using
[other] national currencies: the ruble and the yuan," Putin said in an
interview with the Russian state news agency TASS.

On a November 9 meeting on the sidelines of the APEC summit Putin and
Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed the possibility of using the
yuan in transactions in fields of mutual cooperation.

Putin said in his Monday speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) summit in China that accounting in the ruble and
yuan will most likely weaken the dollar's influence on the global
energy market.

Putin added that possibilities to increase the use of the Russian and
Chinese currencies in bilateral trade, particularly in the energy
sector, were being studied.

Russian Economy Unthreatened by Possible Drastic Drop in Energy Prices

Russian authorities have not excluded the possibility of a drastic
drop in world prices on energy resources but are still prepared to
uphold the country's social obligations and economy, Russian President
Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"We're considering all of the different scenarios, including a
so-called catastrophic drop in the prices of energy resources, which
is completely possible, we acknowledge this," Putin said.

"We are an oil and gas producing country and we treat our reserves
carefully. They're large enough and this allows us to be sure that we
will fully fulfill all of our social responsibilities and will uphold
all of the budget processes within definite frameworks and throughout
the entire economy," he told the Russian state news agency TASS in an

The Russian leader added that sometimes the global economy faces
imbalances of capital on the one hand, and commodities on the other
hand, which may appear due to political considerations. The countries
with emerging economies get into very difficult position during those
times, especially those, which do not possess reserves similar to

"I'd like to say once again that I expect us to have a joint
discussion and seek a joint solution on how to change things for the
better and eliminate these imbalances," Putin said.

In recent months Russia's economy has been showing signs of a minor
slowdown due to geopolitical tensions and Western sanctions over
Russia's alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis.

As a result of falling oil prices, the Russian ruble has fallen 23
percent against US dollar in the past three months. In October,
Russian Economic Development Ministry increased predicted inflation
rates for 2014, setting the forecast for this year to 7.2 percent from
the original 6 percent.

Russia's Oil Giant Rosneft Has No Financial Problems

Financial examination demonstrates that Russia's major oil company
Rosneft is not in financial difficulty, Russian President Vladimir
Putin said on Friday.

"Recently, we checked the financial standing of Rosneft and didn't
find any problems there whatsoever. No financial problems at all,"
Putin said in an interview with the Russian state news agency TASS.

In October, Russia's Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that Rosneft
had asked for over 2 trillion rubles ($42 billion) from Russia's
National Wealth Fund to help withstand Western sanctions.

Putin stated that if the company needs more money, it must prove that
the funds will be spent in such a way that there will be returns for
the entire economy.

"I'd like to stress once again that if they need more money they must
prove that these funds... will be spent for specific purposes and there
will be returns for the entire economy, on top of returns for the
company," Russian leader explained.

Putin did not rule out the possibility that Rosneft could receive
funds if necessary, but not before all the relevant factors are
carefully examined.

"This will be a real assessment and I don't rule out that Rosneft may
get some funds. Yet the amount of such allocations and the terms
require a thorough analysis. No hurry here," Putin said, adding that
he has already participated in discussions on this topic with
Government Cabinet members and company heads.

"If I were a Rosneft CEO, I would ask for money, too. Why not? Who
doesn't ask for it today? Everyone's asking for money and hoping to
get it. The Government Cabinet - I know their position because I
discussed it both with the Cabinet and Rosneft - will make a decision
based not just on the needs of the company which we truly treasure and
which we will definitely help," Putin concluded.

Rosneft is a Russian oil giant, and one of the leaders in the
country's petroleum industry. The company's activities include
hydrocarbon exploration and production, offshore projects, hydrocarbon
refining, and crude oil, gas and product marketing in Russia and

Putin Calls for Careful Consideration on Use of Reserves to Solve
Economic Problems

The Russian government is not going to use reserve funds to solve
current economic problems without carefully considering that it will
have a positive outcome for the country's entire economy, Russian
President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"Strictly speaking, we were planning this before, and in the current
deteriorating conditions we will do so. But it does not mean that we
should 'burn' these reserves without even thinking, not expecting
adequate economic outcomes, only to solve the current problems," Putin

In an interview with Russian state news agency TASS, the Russian
president noted that government funds had been available "before all
those negative events connected with the fluctuations in the ruble's
exchange rate or the fall in oil prices".

At the same time, the president has noted that there is no need to use
those funds to accelerate the Russian economy.

"If the funds are used, it will be done in several ways. One of them
is the infrastructure development. That is exactly what we were
planning to use the NWF [National Wealth Fund] money for," Putin

On October 2, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said authorities
had no plans to use resources from the Reserve Fund in 2015, but
retained the right.

Nevertheless, in mid-October, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated
Russia had enough reserves to meet state budget goals, regardless of
global political and economic trends. He added the country's budget
could be adjusted to reflect fluctuations in oil prices, but vowed
social spending would not be cut.

US 'Drops Out of Context' in G20 Decisions, Acts According to Own Interests

The United States does not implement decisions agreed at the G20
summit if they are not in line with its own interests, thus risking
irrelevance in the global arena, Russian President Vladimir Putin
stated Friday.

In particular, according to the Russian president, it concerns the
decision on strengthening the role of emerging economies in the IMF
with the redistribution of quotas.

"The US Congress blocked that decision and that's all. The
negotiators, our partners, are saying: well, we would be happy [to do
that], we did sign it, but the Congress does not let it through. So
much for decisions," Putin told the Russian state news agency TASS in
an interview.

The Russian president added that the decision "shapes the
international public opinion" as all the G20 countries and
international actors find the decision reasonable and right.

As for US Congress' refusal to pass the law on the redistribution of
IMF quotas, it "indicates that the United States is dropping out of
the general context of resolving the problems facing the international
community. But nobody cares to remember this. Assuming its monopoly on
world mass media, this information is hushed up. An impression is made
that it does not really exist," Putin said.

Putin also noted that the G20 forum is still relevant. "The G20 is a
good platform to meet each other, discuss both bilateral relations and
global problems, and develop at least some sort of common
understanding what this or that problem is all about, and how to
resolve it, to make a road map for joint work."

"This is the most important thing because it is totally unrealistic to
expect that everything that may be said there will be implemented,
especially since the decisions themselves are not mandatory. To a
certain degree they are neglected. And they are not observed whenever
and wherever they are not in line with somebody's interests. First and
foremost, this is about the interests of global players," the Russian
president said.

Answering a question about whether decisions made at the G20 summit
could be made mandatory, Putin said it is "impossible."

"You know that there have been no such precedents in international
practice. Except for the UN Security Council decisions regarding
international security. But that procedure was generated in the very
dramatic conditions of the bloody World War II. It is just unrealistic
to expect that these days some new mechanisms may be established to
enforce compliance with decisions, let alone decisions concerning
economy. Let me say once again, all this is of moral, political and
economic nature. Which in itself is not bad at all," the Russian
president said.

On November 15-16, Putin will visit Brisbane, Australia for the ninth
G20 summit, which will see up to 4,000 delegates attending. The summit
will focus on the recovery from the global financial crisis, climate
change, employment and labor mobility, among other topics.

Putin to Be Tightlipped on Western Sanctions During G20 Summit in Australia

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday said he would not bring up
the issue of sanctions during the G20 summit in Australia on November
15-16 and believes the sanctions imposed against Russia are the West's
geopolitical mistake.

"If the subject comes up, then of course I'll say something, but
personally I'm not going to bring this issue [sanctions] up for
discussion because I think it's useless," Putin said.

"I believe this is a mistake even from the point of view of their
[Western countries] geopolitical interests," he told the Russian state
news agency TASS in an interview.

On November 9, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) summit in Beijing, the Russian president spoke
about the necessity to consider Asian markets and currencies to
partially substitute access to the financial resources of the European
Union and the United States.

The United States, the European Union and a number of other countries
have introduced several rounds of economic sanctions against Russia,
targeting its banking, energy and defense sectors in response to the
country's alleged role in the Ukrainian conflict, an accusation Moscow
has repeatedly denied. Russia imposed a one-year ban on certain food
imports from those countries.

On November 15-16, the city of Brisbane in Australia will host the
ninth G20 summit, which will see up to 4,000 delegates attending. The
summit will focus on the recovery from the global financial crisis,
climate change, employment and labor mobility, among other topics.

Putin Plans to Meet with German Chancellor Merkel at G20 Summit in Australia

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he has scheduled several
bilateral meetings in the framework of G20 summit in Australia,
including the one with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The G20 summit will take place on November 15-16 in the Australian
city of Brisbane. A morning before the official ceremony, leaders will
hold an informal meeting to discuss current situation in the global
economy, existing risks, threats and possibilities to overcome those.

"I have scheduled meetings there. With the German Chancellor... a lot of
meetings," Putin said in an interview with the Russian state news
agency TASS.

Earlier it was reported that Putin also plans to meet with UK Prime
Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande.

In his interview, Russian leader added that existing problems and
misunderstandings have not had an impact on his relations with Merkel.

"You know that we are guided by interests instead of sympathies and
antipathies... And she had also been guided by same interests, just like
any other leader of a nation, state or government. This is why I see
neither considerable changes nor any substantial alterations in the
nature of our relations," Putin said.

The Russian leader and the German Chancellor have been holding
frequent talks amid the Ukrainian crisis and the approaching deadline
to reach Iranian nuclear agreement. While Putin and Merkel hold phone
conversations every couple of weeks, the last time when they held
bilateral meeting was during the ASEM summit in Milan in October.

The leaders share similar views toward many situations, however their
approach to conflict in Ukraine differs. Merkel supported European
Union's sanctions against Russia over Ukrainian crisis, blaming Moscow
for meddling in Ukrainian internal affairs -- a claim Moscow repeatedly
denied. In November, German Chancellor refused to lift anti-Russian
sanctions, saying that Russia's approval of the elections in Donetsk
and Luhansk People's Republics in eastern Ukraine contradict the Minsk
agreements on crisis settlement.

Onaga: Asia's anti-US bases hero

Onaga: Asia's anti-US bases hero

(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 11-19-2014 WED)

Despite a $3.4-billion carrot that US-puppet Japanese Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe dangled before Okinawa in exchange for letting
three-fourths of the US bases and 38,000 US troops in Japan stay, the
Okinawans voted in anti-US bases candidate Takeshi Onaga as governor
of the islands. Abe's candidate Hirokazu Nakaima, who already ran on
the platform of transferring the Futenma base to a less populated
area, was still rejected by the Okinawan people.

Yet, in spite of the vote, the Abe government is still pressing on
with the construction of a new US base, to which Onaga says: "Based on
this victory, I will go to the government, the US government, and even
the United Nations to tell them the people are against it..."

The victorious anti-bases vote in Okinawa reflects not only decades of
frustrations and anger over crime, pollution, accidents, and noise
from activities of such US military facilities. The rage peaked in
1995 when a 12-year old girl was gang-raped by three US soldiers
stationed there. This landmark vote also reflects the true sentiment
of most Japanese regarding the Abe government's arbitrary
"re-interpretation" of the purely defensive and pacifist Japanese
"Peace" Constitution.

Onaga's electoral victory was touted as creating a crisis situation in
the US-Japan alliance, as Yuki Tatsumi, senior associate for East Asia
at the Stimson Center in Washington, was quoted by Bloomberg as
saying, "Japan is already making things difficult for the Marines

The crucial role of Okinawa in the US military network is seen from
its use as a staging point for US troops in the Korean and Vietnam
wars and its proximity to the islands claimed by China and Taiwan.
Onaga's win certainly dents Obama's assurance of "strong
determination" to preserve US hegemony in Asia, which he uttered at
the G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia.

While the US suffers a major dislocation in its military posture in
Okinawa that will hamper its already troubled "Asia Pivot," China is
making waves with the Pacific Islands community as President Xi
Jinping headed last week to meet leaders of Fiji, Micronesia, Samoa,
Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, the Cook Islands, Tonga, and Niue in a
summit in Fiji. Xi announced "important steps" to enhance cooperation
and business in the areas of finance, education, training, and
infrastructure backed up by Chinese funds. These island-nations have
been the indispensable stepping stones of the US to extend its
influence to Asia, as these were the islands that Japan and the US
fought over during World War II.

While the US is beaten back by citizens of its allied countries (now
in Japan but maybe next time in the Philippines), China is winning
friends and influence in regions once monopolized by the US. These
Pacific Islands constitute the "Second Island Chain" China hopes to
secure for the defense of its homeland.

The past year, China established its ADIZ (Air Defense Identification
Zone) while its navy broke out to the high seas past the Japanese
Kuril islands to conduct ship and submarine war games. All these augur
well for the balance-of-forces principle and anti-war sentiment,
through which the US is seen as the greatest danger to peace and
tranquility in the Asia-Pacific region.

As citizens of the world and keepers of our earth in the nuclear age,
Filipinos have no greater task than to build the defenses of Peace and
promoting universal Harmony.Helping the world attain a balance of
power among its geopolitically powerful neighbors will go a long way
in preventing superpower chauvinism and adventurism.

The US, with over 1,000 military and naval bases all over the world
and a capitalist-war economy, has been desperate to perpetuate and
expand its "endless war."Cutting off its tentacles may just subdue it
into becoming one among equals among the world's major powers, a step
that should guarantee universal peace and harmony--and hopefully, a
final disarmament among nations.

(Listen to Sulô ng Pilipino, 1098 AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m.; watch GNN Talk News TV with HTL on Destiny Cable Channel 8,
SkyCable Channel 213, and, Saturday, 8 p.m. and
replay Sunday, 8 a.m.; search Talk News TV and date of showing on
YouTube; visit; and text reactions
to 0917-8658664)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Democracy: Cycle of elect and regret

Democracy: Cycle of elect and regret
(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 11-10-2014 MON)

The term "Responsive Authoritarianism" came to my attention via a
"Technology, Entertainment, Design" (TED) global talk forum that
brought together various thinkers, whose motto is to advance "Ideas
Worth Spreading."

The speaker, Eric Li, who cited that concept coined by Francis
Fukuyama, is a Berkeley-educated venture capitalist born in China at
the height of the Cultural Revolution. He started with two failed
"meta-narratives" about the world. The first was the great
communist-socialist view and, the second, democracy and elections from
the West in which "all societies... must progress from traditional... to
modern... (wanting only) one thing: the vote... (to) produce good
government and live happily ever after."

Li says, "This story also became a bestseller. According to Freedom
House, the number of democracies went from 45 in 1970 to 115 in 2010.
In the last 20 years, Western elites tirelessly trotted around the
globe selling this prospectus: Multiple parties fight for political
power and everyone voting on them is the only path to salvation...
Those who buy the prospectus are destined for success. Those who do
not are doomed to fail. But this time, the Chinese didn't buy it...
Fool me once... (laughter from the audience)... The rest is history. In
just 30 years, China went from one of the poorest agricultural
countries in the world to its second largest economy."

From thence Li explained China's system today, "Yes, China is a
one-party state run by the Chinese Communist Party ... They don't hold
elections ... Most political scientists will tell us that a one-party
system is inherently incapable of self-correction ... Now here are the
facts: In 64 years of running the largest country in the world... the
Party's policies have been wider than any other ... From radical land
collectivization to the Great Leap Forward, then privatization of
farmland, then the Cultural Revolution, then Deng Xiaoping's market
reform, then... the giant political step of opening up Party membership
to private businesspeople..."

On lifetime rule, "political leaders used to retain their positions
for life... (up to) the Party-instituted... mandatory retirement age of 68
to 70 ... (leading many to think that) 'political reforms have lagged
far behind economic reforms' ... (But) the truth is, political reforms
have never stopped. Compared with 30 years ago... every aspect of
Chinese society... (is) unrecognizable today ... (China) is one of the
most meritocratic political institutions in the world ... The
Politburo has 25 members ... Only five of them come from a background of
privilege, so-called princelings. The other 20... come from entirely
ordinary backgrounds." (Filipinos can compare this with the
Philippines' old families in Malacañang, the Senate, and Congress.)

Since many have asked how this is all possible in a one-party system,
Li explains: "The Party's Organization Department... like a giant human
resource engine that would be the envy of even some of the most
successful corporations... made up of... civil service, state-owned
enterprises, and social organizations like a university or a community
program.... recruit(s) college grads... and they start from the bottom ...
Then they could get promoted through four increasingly elite ranks ...
Once a year, the department reviews their performance. They interview
their superiors, their peers, their subordinates... conduct public
opinion surveys. Then they promote the winners..."

China's President Xi Jinping, though a "princeling," took 30 years to
get to his post; he started as a village manager then went up to
managing a total population of 150 million people and combined GDPs of
$1.5 trillion.

Li was then asked, "The Party wasn't voted in by election. Where is
the source of legitimacy?" to which he replied, "How about
competency?" citing a Pew Research poll showing 85 percent Chinese
satisfaction at the country's direction.

"In contrast, most electoral democracies around the world are
suffering," Li continues. "Governments get elected and then they fall
below 50 percent approval in a few months ... Democracy is becoming a
perpetual cycle of elect and regret."

On corruption, "Transparency International ranks China between 70 and
80 in recent years among 170 countries ... India, the largest
democracy in the world, (is) 94 and dropping. For the hundred or so
countries that are ranked below China, more than half of them are
electoral democracies ... How come these countries can't fix it?"

Li's ended by saying, "China's political model... doesn't pretend to be
universal ... The significance of China's example is not that it
provides an alternative, but the demonstration that alternatives exist
... Let us stop telling people and our children there's only one way to
govern ourselves and a singular future towards which all societies
must evolve. It is wrong. It is irresponsible. And worst of all, it
is boring."

I am nail-bitingly bored and restless over the Philippines' so-called
democracy of perpetual elect-and-regret-and-elect-and-regret without
end. Will some new groups rise and present us with our own roadmap of
"Responsive Authoritarianism"?

(Listen to 1098 AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; watch
GNN Talk News TV with HTL on Destiny Cable Channel 8, SkyCable Channel
213, and, Saturday, 8:15 p.m. and replay Sunday,
8:15 a.m.; search Talk News TV and date of showing on YouTube; and

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Polarize: Binay's only way

Polarize: Binay's only way
(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 11-05-2014 WED)

In an arrogant jab at his erstwhile "guardian" back when he, as an
Armalite-toting teenager, was on the lookout for coup plotters against
his sainted mother, BS Aquino retorted to a plaintive expression of
frustration from beleaguered Vice President Jejomar Binay with this
dare: "You are free to leave the Cabinet."

Bedeviled by charges of corruption and ownership of unimaginable
illicit wealth, the VP has seen his popularity ratings slide from the
unprecedented high of any potential candidate, amid threats of even
more lethal attacks as the 2016 election year nears. A subsequent
appeal to his "ward" apparently fell on deaf ears; hence, the present
falling out.

BS Aquino was reacting to what some press reports described as "a
barely veiled attack on (his) administration" by Vice President
Jejomar Binay two Saturdays ago at a Lions' district meeting at the
Manila Hotel, where the latter enumerated complaints of the public, to
wit: "There is a power crisis, (together with) the rising prices of
oil and other commodities, the rampant crimes plaguing the country,
the hellish traffic jams, unsafe MRT and LRT, the recurrent flooding
and the wrath of nature that we must all prepare for... But instead of
giving all their time and thoughts to achieve solutions to these
problems, they chose to advance their own interests by destroying my
name and those of my loved ones..."

At that speech the electrical charge that would have polarized the
nation's pressing problems into genuine people's issues against the
public utilities privatization price abuse, alongside national
government incompetence versus the triviality of the corruption issue,
flashed for a moment.

Having initiated that charge, it would have been ideal if Binay had
waged thereon an unrelenting, fight-to-the-finish polarization to
serve as a turning point in a long political war, where he has
suffered constant reversals due to very nature of the political system
he is in.

Binay's enemies are by no means the frontline political warriors or
soldiers in the phalanx. They are part of the same ilk who will be
called into account in the Yellows' Winter of Discontent--a fear that
compels them to want to ensure their perpetuation beyond the life span
of their self-generated People Power myth.

The people's cries embodied in the issues Binay lined up before the
Lions, if repeated with a growing lion's roar, would easily drown out
all the accusations hurled against him by the sheer fury a nation deep
in poverty, hunger, and hopelessness.

Just imagine the resounding impact on the people from Batanes to Jolo:
"Power crisis, the rising prices of oil and other commodities, the
rampant crimes plaguing the country... the wrath of nature." Just think
of the gut issues affecting the nation's capital: "The hellish traffic
jams, unsafe MRT and LRT, the recurrent flooding."

Unfortunately for Binay (though we hope it's not too late for him), he
decided to turn the other cheek by claiming, "I have the highest
respect for President Aquino and I will continue to be a team player."
And to think that it is the same team whom the VP accuses of choosing
"to advance their own interests" instead of looking for solutions.

Binay, it seems, chooses to still put his fate in the hands of the
very people who are skinning him alive. How then will half the
people, who had seen their faith in him as a champion of the poor and
downtrodden flounder, be restored in their faith now?

With the way the battle is being waged, we will see no great
turnaround for the besieged to become a victor, unless he charges on
as the Greeks at Marathon turned a lost cause into victory against an
enemy that outnumbered them 20 to one.

(Listen to 1098 AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; watch
GNN Talk News TV with HTL on Destiny Cable Channel 8, SkyCable Channel
213, and, Saturday, 8:15 p.m. and replay Sunday,
8:15 a.m.; search Talk News TV and date of showing on YouTube; and

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The port scam

The port scam
(Herman Tiu Laurel / DieHard III / The Daily Tribune / 11-03-2014 MON)

"Manila truck ban knocks Philippines nine notches down World Bank's
Doing Business rank," declared a GMA News Online on Oct. 29 shortly
before noon. Nine hours later, that same site declared, "Philippines
rises 13 spots on WB's revised Doing Business ranking." In between
the two contradictory headlines at midpoint, or at 4:22 in the
afternoon, this was the reaction: "Government downplays Philippines'
slip in WB Doing Business report."

What is evident in the twist and turns of these headlines is the
pliability of the World Bank's reports. Were these the result of
simple PR or other elaborate efforts to portray certain interests in a
better light?

Particularly but not exclusively in the Philippines, government and
business inordinately value image, and generally do cover up unsavory
truth. That's because government and business--Big Business in
particular--are engaged in the sordid abuse of their powers to take
advantage of the nation. But the so-called multilateral institutions,
such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, are in on
it too. So to them, perception is all important.

The contradictions in the said news outfit's reportage exposes the WB
as an unreliable source of information because it is similarly subject
to the allures and lobbying of vested interests.

For example, the WB said the Philippines raised its business ranking
by "improvements in... (ease of) getting electricity..." But that is
hardly an issue in this age of countries providing full spectrum
services, especially of power at cheap rates, to get business

The Arangkada Philippines Project of the Joint Foreign Chambers of
Commerce stated in 2012 that "The very high cost of power remains a
common complaint of businesses ... and a very important negative factor
... In 2010 a factory in the Philippines could pay more than twice as
much for power than a factory in Indonesia and Vietnam and almost
twice as much as a factory in Malaysia and Thailand."

The unwillingness to define the electricity issue correctly becomes
understandable only when one recalls that in 2001 it was the WB that
inveigled the Philippines to pass the Electric Power Industry Reform
Act and its radical privatization program of the state's power assets,
which is the root cause of the "highest power cost in Asia" bedeviling
the Philippines today. High power costs are without doubt the most
fundamental obstacle in the "ease of doing business" in the
Philippines, but the WB can't be expected to expose its own perfidy in
its survey and report. It is the journalist's duty to expose such
duplicity of the WB.

Going back to the first headline: Just four days earlier on Oct. 24
this was presented in another newspaper, "'Port logjam still a
scourge' ... Despite the recent lifting of the truck ban in Manila, the
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) said port
congestion remains a major threat to the expansion of the country's
external trade..."

Correlating this with another headline of May 29, which said, "Cargo
traffic rose 4.7 percent in first quarter despite truck ban -- PPA
(Philippine Ports Authority)," it becomes clear that someone is lying
about the truck ban and port congestions connection.

I talked to two port users, both importers, and it became clear to me
that the port congestion problem does not have anything to do with the
Manila truck ban--but has everything to do with the operators in
cahoots with two ruling party leaders (both in the cabinet of BS
Aquino, with one preparing to run in the next presidential race), as
well as port managers sharing the loot from the overtime charges
imposed on shippers, traders, exporters, and importers. Let us wait
for concerned legislators to open a formal investigation.

The question I'd like the public to ask are: 1) who caused the WB
reportage to be "revised" from a "nine-notch" fall to a rise of "13
spots" within nine hours and 2) why the persistence in laying the
blame for port congestion to the truck ban despite official
pronouncements to the contrary.

It is obvious to me that only the well-connected giant players have
both the vested interest, money, and the political clout with the
media, government, and even the WB to get these perfidious results.

If there's any doubt about the WB's capacity to connive with
oligarchs, one should study the exposés of its former officer turned
whistle-blower Karen Hudes on the Internet.

(Listen to 1098 AM, dwAD, Tuesday to Friday, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; watch
GNN Talk News TV with HTL on Destiny Cable Channel 8, SkyCable Channel
213, and, Saturday, 8:15 p.m. and replay Sunday,
8:15 a.m.; search Talk News TV and date of showing on YouTube; and